Suspended fryung sieably line chickes (dack) peline maing oil-water maisedsructre, aomatic separation of chuicken (duck) in tbe process of fying away frouhe sugus asd usscc cau aususlall fle fied calbuied sling. rodmcins ledicken (duck) surface of the bhack spots 0 siow down the aidifcation of edibleatwo improre tbe fnenes of the dicien Ithas tbe adratages ofeqpencycouversionpeed rpnlaton, mpryed thim goove, leaching Rngpoer dhnte tom drainoil coimngtank aulfomati basket stuctute. atotaic temperature control aod autonatieshausting fiamne, etc. to ensue the conmstency of ume and temperatiue of firedchickea (dack).